You are invited to take part in a questionnaire survey. Before you decide whether you would like to participate, it is important to understand why this research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully.
Why is this research about?
We are a group of researchers at the University of Bristol, doing research on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) which aims to improve the trustworthiness and transparency of Artificial Intelligence systems, especially for non-expert users. In this specific research, the main task is to develop an interactive Graphical User Interface (GUI) to provide explanations of a classification decision-tree model. In order to assess and evaluate whether the explanations provided are useful, you will be asked to fill in a simple questionnaire survey after you have tried the interactive tasks provided.
Do I have to take part?
No. You are free to decide whether to participate or not.
What will happen to me if I take part in this survey?
Upon giving consent, you will be provided with a GUI page which has three steps, each of which provides some explanations to a certain property of a decision tree model. A decision tree method is one of the machine learning approaches which will use a dataset to learn a model, and the model can be used for future prediction tasks. For each step, you will be asked to interact with the interface and study the decision-tree model to help you to understand how this machine learning model works. Once you have gone through these steps, you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire, which aims to gather your feedback on whether the GUI functions and on its interactive nature have achieved its objectives. The whole process will probably take you about 30 – 40 minutes.
What information will be collected and why is the collection of this information relevant for achieving the research objectives?
There will not be any identification information such as names, addresses, or phone numbers collected. We will only collect some basic information (e.g., gender, age-range) about you. The (less than 10) questions in the questionnaires are all multiple-choice questions. That means, no one will be able to identify who you are with the data collected.
Who has reviewed this study?
This ethical application has been reviewed by the Faculty of Engineering Research Ethics Committee.(Ethics reference: 14595)
Who do I contact if I have a concern about the research or I wish to complain?
If you have any concerns, please contact [Prof Weiru Liu, [email protected]]
By continuing, you agree to the following terms:
- I confirm that I have read and understand the information for the above research. I have had the opportunity to consider the information, ask questions, and have had these answered satisfactorily.
- I understand that my participation is not mandatory and that I am free to withdraw at any time, without giving any reason.
- I understand how the data will be collected and what will happen to the data.